Meet the Family Command Center
The Family Command Center, or Launch Pad as some call it, is a centralized place where you (and your family) can always go to to find what you need to get out the door. Keys, paperwork, the day's schedule and whatever else you might otherwise need are corralled all in one place to avoid that hectic rush out the door. This one, located in Rebecca's kitchen, utilizes a dry erase calendar that is color-coded with each family member's schedule, a cork board, a whiteboard for daily inspiration, key hooks and a bin for each of her children's homework and papers that need review.
Meet the Organized Drawer
There are many different styles when it comes to what an organized drawer looks like. Of course, the first thing to do is edit what goes IN your drawer. Do you truly need 25 rubber bands that are all the same color? Do you wear the same hair clips all the time?
Next, think about your budget and your aesthetic. If you are all about function and don't have a large budget, consider the options shown in this photo of hair accessories. Lids and boxes can be re-purposed in an attractive and functional way.
If you prefer fancier or matching containers, be sure to not only measure them for size relative to what you will be storing in them, but also be sure to measure your drawer: Depth, width and height are all crucial to ensuring the pieces "fit" and that you can actually close your drawer. When we used tall containers in this baking, coffee and tea supply drawer, the measurements had to be exact. Clear bins were perfect for storing like-with-like loose items such as honey, cocoa and the milk-frothing mug to ensure they don't roll around each time the drawer is opened.
An Easy Way to Edit Your Closet
Do you notice that the hangers in the photo below look backwards? That's because they are! If you need an easy way to figure out what you wear all the time, consider this tried-and-true trick of turning all of your hangers backwards (for the clothes that are currently in season). Once you've worn something and are putting it back, hang the hanger in the usual direction. At the end of the current season, find those hangers that are STILL backwards. Those are the items that you need to say goodbye to. Easy-peasy!